Friday, January 30, 2015

Flashback Friday - Aruba

It's cold and there have been two unexpected snow showers today.  I would love to be on a warm, sunny, breezy beach looking at and listening to the sounds of the ocean. I am thinking back to a trip that I took about five years ago to Aruba. I remember huts on the beach, beautiful clear water and a wonderful warm breeze. I stayed at the Hyatt Regency Resort whose theme reminded me that I'm in the Caribbean compared to the other resorts I visited while there. There were plenty of palm trees, ponds of water and huts on the beach.  I also remember enjoying a delicious cobb salad and pomegranate iced tea at one of their restaurants. As I face another forecasted winter storm, I use these memories as a temporary escape and motivation to plan my next beach trip. 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sharing that longing for warmer climates!